Monday, March 30, 2009

6 weeks and a little bit

Okay well, in case you didn't notice, by the long silence, I started feeling sick. This is good in that now I'm not stressing about not being all the way pregnant (or losing the baby), but I REALLY hate being sick. This is always SO hard for me. I feel like crap all day long! Today I had to keep laying down and then dragging myself back up. The kids just run around like crazy destroying the place and I can't do anything about it. I can't believe how little energy I have and how little motivation I can muster up. I feel like I'm going to throw up ALL DAY!! I feel like I'm starving all day too, but when I think about food I just want to vomit. Everything I eat tastes gross and doesn't feel good to eat, but if I don't eat I just get weaker and dizzier. I'm trying to just keep eating because that's always helped in the past, but the nausea is not going away like it usually does. It's been crazy. And I now throw up out the other end. Takes a lot longer to get to the things I eat, but I think I prefer it to throwing up. I don't know.
I do have to say (brag a little) that on the bright side I did get right up out of bed the first time I woke up, which is UNHEARD OF for me even when I'm not pregnant. AND I kept going ALL day! I have not stopped to nap since Nate got home. I made a really nice dinner, and still had enough energy (or pretended to) to do family night, learn Kelly's new song, and laugh and smile while we were at the store. I'm proud of myself but also VERY thankful to my Heavenly Father. I know he was with me every step of my day. He has been very close to me lately and I am grateful. I know it's because I am relying on him more and turning to him more when I need strength and encouragement. It's been really nice. This is how I always want it to be when I'm pregnant, but I don't really feel like it's been quite this good with any of the others. Who knows :) It's only been a week since I found out :) But I'm optimistic!
I feel like I'm getting fat already (as I should with all the food I've been eating). I keep wondering what this baby's gender is. I want to know!! I can't believe how anxious I am already....I still have like 33 more weeks! Crazy. Well, I need to go get registered on so I can keep up on what this baby is doing! I love that!

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