Monday, May 18, 2009

First Doctor Visit

So, back on the 5th of May I went in for my first appointment. It was so fun to be able to see the baby in the ultrasound, and know that there was for sure a healthy baby growing in there. I don't know why I wonder, but I always do. I sure wish I had gone in sooner because it really rested my mind a lot. We have a great doctor, he always explains all the usual stuff to us even though we've been a million times. Which really helps because, HELLO, we wouldn't be here if we remembered it all from last time!! He did mention that he would refer me to a physical therapist for my back, and then forgot to give me the referral, but I need to just call him I guess. I should. My back is really bad this time. And I am SOOOOOOO tired!!!!! I've slept so much while Nate's been home. Which is definitely a nice blessing, it's just too bad for him. I feel like a crappy mom lately and that doesn't make me feel any better. I can definitely sense the mood swings, coming on pretty strong the last few days especially. And I"m not even going to go into how disappointed I am that I still feel like crap. I usually get better (like overnight) around the 14th week, well, that's in a few days. So hopefully!!!!
We finally started telling people. These were their reactions and I must say... I was pleasantly surprised and relieved with most of them.
My Dad- congratulations
My Mom- congratulations, but why did you tell someone else before me
My younger brother- high five, congratulations
Nana- "I thought you figured out what was causing that?"
My sister- why didn't you tell me sooner?
Nate's family- congratulations! how exciting! When is it due.....

Brad, Luke and Noah were with us at the Dr. office and saw the ultrasound. I don't know why I thought this wouldn't ocurr to them, but they have seen several ultrasound pictures so it shouldn't have surprised us when Bradley shouts out... A BABY! So we told the boys on the way home. Bradley wants to name the baby Batman if it's a boy and Rosabelle if it's a girl.
Brad made the announcement to Kelly and she asked me later but I skirted around the question to see if I could think of a more fun way to tell her and Charity together.
Well, didn't really happen, we ended up telling them on the way to Temple Square just showing them the picture. They're not as good at keeping it a secret, so it is probalby just going to be out now. In fact one of the ladies at church said that Charity made an announcement in Primary.... oh well. I don't need to keep it a secret I guess. I just like to. The kids are all VERY thrilled though. Makes me happy that they are not bummed or bored with the whole idea yet. I bet if they were older and could really remember the torture of pregnancy and a new baby they would be annoyed with it :) I am thankful that they are such good kids and so willing to go down this road with us again. Charity and Kelly are REALLY hoping for a girl. I'm trying to help them not get so set on it since we don't know and that has happened several times, but we all are kind of expecting a girl I think. Not aht we wouldn't be happy with a boy. I personally think it would be nice to break up this threesome and have two and two that could pair off..... but that's just me. I love the idea of either I guess. They're cute about it though. And we talk about this baby ALL the time. They all want to touch my tummy every second (even though I'm really not showing yet). That's not to say that my pants don't feel like they're bruising me of course. I have to do the hairthing on the button trick already. I am going to have to buy maternity clothes. The ones I have are getting old and they are all really hot sweatery type clothes. I am looking forward to the fact that the end of this pregnancy shouldn't be too hot. Kind of like my last two. We've planned this out well ;) I'm grateful.
So that's about it. I really do feel like crap so that might explain my inability to post anything. I want this nausea to be OVER!!!

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